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2011 Norwest Soccer
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Dufresne Family
U10 Blizzards - Milano
U10 Blue Thunder
U10 Red Ninjas
U10 Red Smurfs
U10 Yellow Lightning
U12 Blue Bullets
U12 Cherry Bombs!
U12 Mean Green Giants
U12 Red Bulls
U12 Yellow Jackets
U14 Blue Bulldogs
U14 Cheese Ninjas
U14 Marashino Cherrys
U16-18 Giraffes
U16-18 Peters
U4 Blue Gorillas
U4 Blue Mosquito
U4 Blue Sky
U4 Bumblebees
U4 Dinosaurs
U4 Dragons
U4 Green Lightning
U4 Orange Dragons
U4 Red Dinos
U4 White Torpedos
U6 Blue Dolphins
U6 Blue Jays
U6 Blue Raptors
U6 Golden Bears
U6 Golden Tigers
U6 Green Goblins
U6 Green Goblins (Gohmann)
U6 Grey Jaguars
U6 Grey Sharks
U6 Light Blue Dolphins
U6 Purple Dragons
U6 Purple Dragons (Greenway)
U6 Red Peppers
U6 The Orange Flames
U6 The Red Rockets
U6 Tiger Raptor Dinosaurs
U6 White Lightning
U8 Blue Bolts
U8 Blue Knights
U8 Blueberry Sharks
U8 Green Goblins
U8 Green Monsters
U8 Killer Bees
U8 Purple Robbers
U8 Red Crushers
U8 Red Tomatoes
U8 White Bears
U8 Yellow Hornets
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