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2012 Foothills-Grassroots Soccer
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2012 June 16 \ ind
U4 Auburn Bay Team 1
U4 Auburn Bay Team 10
U4 Auburn Bay Team 12
U4 Auburn Bay Team 13
U4 Auburn Bay Team 14
U4 Auburn Bay Team 5
U4 Auburn Bay Team 7
U4 Auburn Bay Team 8
U4 Canyon Meadows Team 2
U4 Canyon Meadows Team 5
U4 Canyon Meadows Team 6
U4 Flash
U4 Green
U4 Pirates
U4 Rockets
U5 Black Bird
U5 Blue Ninjas
U5 Cheetas
U5 Cobras
U5 Cream Birds
U5 Dragons
U5 Dynamite
U5 Fire
U5 Orange
U5 Orange Dinosaurs
U5 Red Hots
U5 Riders
U5 Soccer Monsters
U5 Team 7
U5 Tornadoes
U6 Black Dragons
U6 Blue Dolphin
U6 Blue Rainbows
U6 Cheetahs
U6 Deer Park Team 1
U6 Green Dragons
U6 Green Gators
U6 Light Green
U6 Mr Freezies
U6 Orange Crush
U6 Orange Crush Canyon Meadows
U6 Orange Tigers
U6 Purple Bubble Gums
U6 Red Dragon Fireball Volcanoes
U6 Red Dragons
U6 Red Sharks
U6 Sharks
U6 Snowy Owls
U6 T-Rex
U6 The Blue Wave
U6 Vultures
U8 Auburn Bay Green
U8 Avengers
U8 Black Knights
U8 Blasters
U8 Blue Belles
U8 BLue Hurricanes
U8 Blue Rockets
U8 Blue Slushees
U8 Blue Sour Candy's
U8 Blue Tornado
U8 Cougars
U8 Dragon Bullets
U8 Falcons
U8 Hawks
U8 Juggernauts
U8 Orange Raptors
U8 Orange Tigers
U8 Raptors
U8 Red Devils
U8 Red Devils
U8 Red Fire
U8 Red Wolves
U8 Renegades
U8 Snow Leopards
U8 The Dynamites
u8 Wolverines
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